yang praktek b.inggris procedure teks trus disuruh buat mix fruit ice mampir sini
langsung aja dahhHow to make Mix fruit ice ( Procedure Text )
How to make fruit iceMaterial:
- Ice
- Apple
- Strawberries
- Wine
- Jackfruit
- Melon
- Mango
- Avocado
- sugar water
- milk
- First, Cut the fruit round or dice
- then, Scratching the flesh of a melon
- then, Boil sugar with water until cooked for about 30 minutes.
- next, Put in serving glasses that have been cut round pieces or dice
- then, to taste Pour the sugar water, put ice cubes and put milk on ice fruit.
- Last, put the decorations on the glass with a piece of strawberry on it.
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